Thanksgiving was yesterday here in the States and as usual I got together with my Family (most of them) and had the requisite Turkey, Stuffing, Wine, and Pie.It was all tasty and I am thankful that I could spend that time with my Family (most of them). But as you can , no doubt, tell from the first couple sentences I miss the members of my family that couldn't make it. A comedy of errors and a little bit of mis-communication on my part led to me not getting to see my daughters yesterday, as well as some hurt feelings. So while I did have a good time the night was, for me at least, bitter-sweet.
It would have been easy for me to allow this to ruin my thanksgiving. I am thankful that wasn't the case. Something happened that refocused me away from feeling sorry for myself and back to being thankful. A friend of mine whom I have gotten to know through
Flock of Cycles and
Bike Pittsburgh posted on face book (and had been posting on Facebook all month that she was cooking a huge thanksgiving meal and anyone who didn't have family to share thanksgiving with were welcome to come over and join her for thanksgiving.
Yes this made me appreciate my family even more
Yes it took some of the sting out of not being able to see my daughters.
I also wished I could have been there as well. I didn't exactly want to ditch my family but the idea of sharing a meal with what would of been the friends I have found through cycling was tempting.I found that this made me remember yet another group of people in my life that I needed to be thankful for, and a little ashamed that I had forgotten them
So dear readers, for you I am also very thankful for, I hope you will take a moment now that turkey,stuffing,pie, and wine have passed and think of those you may have forgotten. We all are guilty of this and so we are all forgiven as well.
Thank you.