Friday, December 21, 2012

Resolution - Goals

Tis the season, so I'm told. Christmas marks the end of the year and the chance to start over. This is, of course, the time of the New Years Resolutions. I started thinking about the things in myself that I want to improve in myself. After the depression subsided I made the list you see above. For those who can't see the photo I'll give you the list.

  • Ride Bike More
  • Fix Myself
  • Icicle Bicycle 
  • Pedal Pittsburgh
  • Ride more than 1000 Miles
  • Write more
  • Ride up 18th St
  • Go on 7 flock rides
  • Organize my own ride

As you can see most of these resolutions are cycling based and the reason for that is pretty simple. I view the act of cycling as being the answer to many of the problems I face, at least I view the act of cycling as being the one thing that can change me and make me a better me.

I want to talk about a few of the items (goal on my list specifically)

Ride more than 1000 miles
I added this one because I don't know that I have ridden more than 1000 miles this year. I very well might have. I did do quite a bit of riding this year. So I guess the big thing is that I want to know how far I have ridden and that means getting a cyclometer (or 2) and using it to keep track of how far I have ridden. When the last one I had broke I purposely didn't replace it because I found that I was spending too much time worrying about how far and how fast I was riding. Not sure how I can do both but I'm going to try.

Ride Up 18th
On the south side of Pittsburgh there is 18th street. a long sort of steep hill. (well long and steep for me) and last year I made a promise to ride up 18th. well it is December 21st so I don't think Ill make it before the end of the year.

Flock Rides
By Flock rides I am talking about the monthly Flock of Cycles Rides (if you're in Pittsburgh you really need to check them out) this ride is a slow paced, party ride that includes music and (weather permitting) a potluck picnic. Since this is a monthly event I have 12 chances to go on a flock ride. I am hoping to make it to more than half of them (if flock puts on a ride every month)

I also want to talk about what isn't on my list.

Weight loss
I have fought with one all of my life. I have tried to lose weight and I have lost weight, I have gained weight. I have let the idea of what I look like rule over me to to long. I will not allow what I weigh steal my joy, happiness and peace. I have decided instead to judge things on how I feel, not how I look or how much I weigh. I have noticed that more I ride the better I feel, so I'm gonna ride more and not worry about something as insubstantial as what I weigh.

This is another one of those things I have struggled with my whole life, and once again I have found that I let my worries about money to steal away my happiness and leave me sleepless and sick. No More. I have over the past year learned to live a simpler life. This I plan on continuing.

So that is my list of resolutions/goals for the year of 2013 and I hope you will find it interesting and I hope that you make and keep your own set of resolutions. I for one am going to try to post my progress on these goals right here.


UPDATE 1-1-13
I rode on the icycle bicycle ride and had a great time. You can view that post here.

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